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Maintenance & Operations

Maintenance & Operations

Facilities Use

Our schools are part of our Amador community, and community organizations are welcome to use them for appropriate events. If you would like to use a school site within our district for a community event, please contact the school directly. Contact information is available on the school’s website or under the Schools menu on this website.

Once you come to an agreement with the school to use the facilities, download and complete the Facilities Use Agreement and deliver it to the school at least 15 days prior to the event. The school will then review and sign the agreement and forward it to the business office.

Please note that a Certificate of Insurance is required to use school facilities. The Certificate must name Amador Unified School District as an additional insured.


Let Us Know

If you see something that needs repair on a school site, please contact the school site directly, and they will coordinate with us if necessary. If you see something that needs repair on district property, please contact our office directly.


Integrated Pest Management Plan

The Healthy Schools Act of 2000 requires school districts to notify families of pesticides they expect to apply during the year. The district and our pest management contractors practice Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for pest problems on school premises. IPM focuses on long-term prevention or suppression of pest problems. If management of pests is required, treatment methods may include mechanical, cultural, or biological pesticides of the least toxic category.

Due to the low toxicity of most of these pesticides, many are exempt from the reporting process. It is our long-standing practice to use the least toxic means available to prevent or eliminate pest control problems. When pest populations are not appropriately controlled with these exempt pesticides, the following non-exempt pesticides may be used. The pesticides listed below are in the least toxic category, category 3, caution label only:

Name of Pesticide (Active Ingredient) Cy-Kick (Cyfluthrin); Suspend SC (Deltmethrin); Wasp-Freeze (d-trans Allethrin); Merit (Imidacloprid); Premise 75 (Imidacloprid); Termidor (Fipronil); BP-100 (Pyrethrin); Roundup (Glyphosate); Zenith 75 WSP (Imidacloprid) CB 80 Extra (Pyrathin).

We will not apply Toxicity Category 1 (Danger) or 2 (Warning) pesticides, organophosphates or carbamates, or those pesticides listed on the Proposition 65 list. A site registry will be established for those students or staff who have a medical condition or require notification prior to the use of the above materials. To receive prior notification about an application at your site, please contact the Maintenance Department at (209) 257-7787 during regular work hours (school hours) and tell us you will need notification of the pesticide application.

Except in emergencies, everyone on this registry will receive at least a 72-hour notification prior to pesticides being applied at their school. You can find out more information regarding these pesticides and pesticide use reduction at the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s website.


Work Orders (for staff)

To submit a work order for your facility, please visit School Dude or contact our office.


California Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act (CUPCCAA)

Amador County Public Schools uses Quality Bidders for the CUPCCAA-compliant bidding process. To submit an application for approval, please visit the link below:

If you have any questions, please contact:

Alexis Woods


Completed Projects

  • The Argonaut High School Culinary Arts classroom renovation is complete. Students at Argonaut High School now have access to a state-of-the-art culinary facility.

  • New, modern, ADA-compliant bleachers are installed in the Amador and Argonaut High School gymnasiums.

  • The Argonaut High School track renovation is complete. Argonaut High School now has a competition-level facility.