Educational Services Staff:
Malinda Hemig
Administrative Assistant
Scott Worthing
Director of Student Success, Elementary
Kamaljit Pannu
Director of Student Success, Secondary
Amanda Avila
Director of School and Community Integration
Nicole Gravette
CTE Coordinator
All school districts are required to have a parent advisory committee. This committee is a group of parents from all schools who come together 4-5 times yearly to discuss issues relevant to our schools.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) determines a student’s eligibility for financial aid to assist with a student’s attendance at a college or career school. California Education Code (CEC) 51225.7 requires a local educational agency to confirm each 12th grade student’s completion and submission of a FAFSA/CADAA unless the student is determined to be exempt or an opt-out form is completed by a student who is an emancipated minor, a student who is 18 years of age or older, a legal guardian, or parent, or a local educational agency on a student’s behalf. This opt-out form enables a student to Opt-Out of the completion of a FAFSA or CADAA form.
To opt a student out of the Financial Aid Application requirement, please complete this form and return it to your high school’s counseling department.
As required, the County Superintendent, in conjunction with the District Superintendent, has developed a plan for providing education services to all expelled students in the county. The plan shall enumerate existing educational alternatives for expelled pupils, identify gaps in educational services for expelled pupils, and provide strategies for filling those service gaps. The plan shall also identify alternative placements for pupils who are expelled and placed in district community day school programs but who fail to meet the terms and conditions of their rehabilitation plan or who pose a danger to other district pupils, as determined by the Board of Trustees.
The A-G Completion Improvement Grant Program is intended to support local educational agencies (LEAs) in increasing the number of pupils, particularly unduplicated pupils, who graduate from high school with the A-G course requirements completed.
The grant is comprised of three separate components and provides funding based on the LEA’s demographics. Each of the components is funded on a per-student basis for unduplicated students enrolled in grades 9-12, inclusive, with criteria based on the component requirements.
The plan was discussed on April 13, 2022, during the regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Trustees and adopted on April 27, 2022, during the regularly scheduled meeting.