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School Consolidation Information Hub

School Consolidation Information Hub

On May 24th, 2022, the Amador County Unified School District Board of Trustees voted to approve school consolidation, which will combine our two high schools into one consolidated high school and our two junior high schools into one consolidated junior high school. As part of this plan, Ione Elementary School will move to the current Ione Junior High campus once the junior high schools have consolidated.

Through consolidation, course offerings at our junior high and high school will be enhanced to allow for increased career and college readiness for students.

The name and mascot for the new high school were selected through an extensive process during the 2023-24 school year. More details regarding the process and results can be found below.

The School Consolidation Information Hub on our website will be updated as site plans are created and progress is made toward consolidation.


Consolidation Contact:

Jared Critchfield
Interim Superintendent, ACUSD


Consolidation Community Input Meetings

Consolidation FAQs

Documents and Information

History of Consolidation

Starting in 2013, a committee of 36 education partners met for almost a year to provide feedback on facility needs for ACUSD.  In 2014, a 7-11 committee was formed, and a formal recommendation was made to the Board in 2015. This document outlines the history of board actions regarding consolidation from 2013 to May 2024.

Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) Report – 2019

FCMAT visited the district on December 18-19, 2018, to conduct interviews, collect data, and review documents with additional off-site work during the weeks that followed. The team reviewed numerous documents and financial reports, including the agencies’ annual independent audits, unaudited actuals, financial system reports, attendance reports, and other historical financial information pertinent to the study. This report is the result of those activities.

Facilities Utilization Master Plan

A Facilities Utilization Master Plan is a vital document that informs decisions about future facility needs, especially in the context of rapidly evolving education. This planning process involves extensive research and consultation with experts. Successful planning is flexible and based on reliable data, always considering the evolving needs of students. It’s important to acknowledge limited funding from both state and local sources, which necessitates realistic expectations for modernization, new construction, and replacements. The master plan serves as a foundation, providing information on facilities, their condition, demographics, and potential funding sources while remaining adaptable to changes in student population, curriculum, and the economic environment.

Consolidation Alignment with Strategic Plan

This document provides an in-depth look at how school consolidation aligns with the district’s Strategic Plan, which was created through collaboration with representatives from each employee bargaining unit, all managers across the district (certificated and classified), community members and parents, and school board members. For more information about the strategic plan, please click here.

Current Enrollment

This document provides a detailed analysis of current enrollment for the 2021-22 school year. It breaks down the enrollment figures for each elementary and secondary school in the district, showing the number of students in different grade levels.

Enrollment Projections

This document details the 10-year enrollment projection. 

Residence Zones

This document breaks down enrollment by the location of student residence.

Facilities Assessment – No Consolidation Scenario, Critical Needs

This document outlines the critical facility needs across the district. Notably,  Ione Elementary and Jackson Jr. High together account for a significant portion of the total critical needs cost. This outline shows the cost of facilities projects if consolidation were not to happen. 

Facilities Assessment – Consolidation Scenario

This document details the facilities project phases and costs associated with school consolidation.

KVGC Interview with Superintendent Gibson and Consolidated High School Principal Mark Brewer – 11/13/2023

On November 13th, Jim Guidi of KVGC interviewed ACUSD Superintendent Torie Gibson and Consolidated High School Principal Mark Brewer about the school consolidation project. This recording of the interview is provided courtesy of KVGC.

Educational Benefits of Consolidation Presentation – Alignment with Strategic Plan Objective A

On December 13th, Michelle Pechette, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, explained the educational benefits of consolidation in relation to Objective A of our Strategic Plan, which is Data-Driven Staff Engagement.

Athletics Consolidation Update – Cost Savings

On December 13th, Scott Hunkins, Consolidated Athletic Director, gave a presentation outlining the cost savings of consolidation in relation to our athletics department. He also outlined the gym capacity for indoor sporting event attendees.

KVGC Interview with Superintendent Gibson and Consolidated High School Principal Mark Brewer – 2/1/2024 

On February 1st, Jim Guidi of KVGC interviewed ACUSD Superintendent Torie Gibson and Consolidated High School Principal Mark Brewer about the school consolidation project and other topics related to our schools. This recording of the interview is provided courtesy of KVGC.


Timeline of Board Actions Regarding School Consolidation

May 8, 2024 – Technical Studies Agreements for the Environmental Impact Report
(Agenda item and support documents)

As directed by the Board and in response to the comment letters received by the District as part of the environmental review process for the school consolidation project, staff presented to the Board for approval three contracts with Dudek, ECORP, and Kittelson. These contracts are to allow for further study and analysis of the environmental conditions related to the school consolidation project. The scope of work for the contract with Dudek is to prepare a study evaluating the impact of school consolidation on water and wastewater infrastructure within the project area. The scope of work for the ECORP Consulting, Inc. contract is to prepare a study evaluating the biological and ecological components of consolidation. These contracts were initially identified as mitigation measures to be completed by the District after project approval. However, at the Board’s direction and in recognition of public comment on this matter, the District proposed completing these studies prior to the publication of the Final EIR for school consolidation. The scope of work for the contract with Kittelson & Associates, Inc. is to prepare a study analyzing traffic flow that may be affected by school consolidation. Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Jim Whitaker
Motion seconded by: Shane Crowe
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
James Marzano – No
Kayla Parker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes

January 31, 2024 (Special Board Meeting) – Amador County Transportation Commission
(Agenda item and support documents)

The board conducted a joint study session with the Amador County Transportation Commission to review and discuss the traffic impacts of consolidation. Watch the recorded study session here. 

January 17, 2024 – DEIR Extension Request
(Agenda item and support documents)

The board extended the 45-day public review period by an additional 15 days, creating a new review period with an end date of February 13, 2024.Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Shane Crowe – Trustee
Motion seconded by: Jim Whitaker – Trustee (Clerk)
Julia Burns – Trustee (President) – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Trustee (Clerk) – Yes
James Marzano – Trustee – Not Present
Kayla Parker – Trustee – Yes
Shane Crowe – Trustee – Yes
Maeve Klement – Student Advisory Vote – Yes

Dec. 14, 2023 (Special Board Meeting) – Draft Environmental Impact Review (DEIR) Publication
(Agenda item and support documents)

Placeworks conducted a board workshop to discuss the findings in the DEIR to allow the board time for review prior to the 45 public review period. Watch the recorded meeting here.

Dec. 13, 2023 – Approval of Name, Mascot, and Colors for the Consolidated High School
(Agenda item & support documents)

Per the request of the board from the previous meeting, the community and staff/student surveys were launched and analyzed. Amador County High School Mustangs with the colors of Navy and Gold were overwhelmingly favored, which makes this the logical choice as well as the most cost-efficient for the district. The board approved this outcome and this will be the name, mascot, and colors for the consolidated high school.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Shane Crowe
Motion seconded by: Maeve Klement
James Marzano – No
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Yes
Kayla Parker – No

Nov. 8, 2023 – Update on Name, Mascot, and Color Selection for Consolidated High School
(Agenda item & support documents)

Student Board members, Dr. Gibson, and Mr. Brewer updated the Board on previous voting and meetings with ASB classes. The final vote is scheduled for November 9th, with Board approval expected in December. A ballot was circulated among 5th – 12th grade students and high school staff, incorporating community input from ThoughtExchange. Despite Amador County High School with the Mustang mascot being initially popular, 61% of students and staff preferred a different name, and 70% preferred a different mascot. Both ASB classes recommended a full rebranding, opting for Lightning Bolts and Mountain Lion as mascot options, and agreed upon 3 new color options.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

The board directed district staff to run one more survey to include community input once again. The direction was to run two identical ballots: one for students and staff and one for the community. The survey will be run the following week and the results will be reviewed at the next meeting.

Oct. 11, 2023 – Update Regarding the Naming, Mascot, and Colors of Consolidated High School
(Agenda item & support documents)

This agenda item contains attached documents with details regarding the updated process for naming, choosing a mascot, and selecting colors for the consolidated high school.  Data was collected and meetings were held that will present the current standing for the Board to discuss the next steps for this process.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

The board members agreed to have a student and staff-only survey created using the ThoughtExchange data and review the results at the next meeting.

Aug. 30, 2023 – Varsity Brands Impact Program Contracts
(Agenda item & support documents)

The district is undertaking a naming and branding process for the new consolidated junior high and high school. Emphasizing consistency, a collaboration with Varsity Brands Impact Program will help us design logos and mascots for all schools.
This agreement with Varsity Brands Impact Program will be a collaborative process in the design of school logos and mascots.  This process will include trademarking of all logos after the design phase. The district must commit to a 5-year preferred partnership with Varsity Brands and its affiliates, giving the district free access to various resources listed in the attachments.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Jim Whitaker
Motion seconded by: Shane Crowe
James Marzano – Yes
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Not Present
Kayla Parker – Yes

Aug. 30, 2023 – Timeline for Renaming, Mascot, and Colors for Consolidated High School
(Agenda item & support documents)

The timeline document was created to outline the process for choosing the name, mascot, and colors for the consolidated high school. Student participation was highlighted as an important part of the process.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Presentation only – no board action was taken.

May 10, 2023 – California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) – Environmental Consulting Services Agreement with Placeworks
(Agenda item & support documents)

On February 8, 2023, plans for a countywide high school at Argonaut High School were approved. To accommodate the expected 9-12th grade enrollment without a bond, construction projects were scaled down. On March 8, 2023, plans for converting Ione Junior High into the new Ione Elementary School for preschool to 6th grade were approved, with similar adjustments due to funding constraints. Other projects include a countywide junior high at Amador High School, Jackson Junior High becoming a County Preschool Center, and Sutter Creek Elementary expanding to include Sutter Creek Primary. The School Closure/Consolidation Program needs clearance under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The approval of this item is the first step in the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) process.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Kayla Parker
Motion seconded by: Shane Crowe
James Marzano – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Kayla Parker – Yes

March 29, 2023 – Resolution 2022/23-14 Authorizing Sale and Delivery of Certificates of Participation to Finance Capital Improvement Projects of the District and Approving and Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Necessary Related Documents and Actions
(Agenda item & support documents)

To fund the $15 million consolidation project, the district is considering Certificates of Participation (COP), with potential matching funds from the School Facilities Program (SFP). Following external review and addressing concerns raised by the County Auditor, the Board can now consider a resolution to authorize the 2023 COP issuance. The proposed lease-backed COP, using district property, involves an 18-month prepaid interest period, and annual repayments of $1,245,000 from the General Fund for approximately 18.5 years. Projected annual savings of $1,300,000 aim to offset COP repayments, and the Board’s approval allows for up to $16.75 million to cover a reserve fund, issuance costs, and prepaid interest, without committing to issuance but authorizing the continuation of the process.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Shane Crowe
Motion seconded by: Preston Smith
James Marzano – Yes
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Yes
Kayla Parker – Yes
Preston Smith – Yes

March 8, 2023 – Review and Approval of Conceptual Plans for the Conversion of the Ione Jr. High School Campus to Ione Elementary School
(Agenda item & support documents)

The Amador Unified School District Board of Trustees passed a resolution on January 18, 2023, establishing the consolidation of schools, including converting the Ione Jr. High School campus into the new Ione Elementary School serving students from preschool through the 6th grade.  Without the passage of a bond, the district administration scaled down the new construction projects at this campus to create the classroom space necessary for the anticipated enrollment of approximately 625 elementary students in August of 2025.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Shane Crowe
Motion seconded by: Maeve Klement
James Marzano – Yes
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Yes
Kayla Parker – Yes

Feb. 8, 2023 – Review and Approval of Consolidated High School Campus Expansion Plan and Preliminary Cost Estimate at Argonaut High School
(Agenda item & support documents)

The Amador Unified School District Board of Trustees passed a resolution on January 18, 2023, establishing the consolidation of schools, including a county-wide high school at the current Argonaut High School campus.  Without the passage of a bond, the district administration scaled down the new construction projects at the consolidated high school to create the classroom space necessary for the anticipated enrollment of approximately 1,250 high school students in August of 2025.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Preston Smith
Motion seconded by: Julia Burns
James Marzano – Not Present
Julia Burns – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Not Present
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Yes
Kayla Parker – No
Preston Smith – Yes

Jan. 18, 2023 – Resolution Approving School Closures/Consolidation
(Agenda item & support documents)

The district continues to be challenged by the condition of aging facilities along with the number of schools and campuses in proportion to its enrollment.  In May of 2022, the Board approved the consolidation plan as set forth by district administration in preparation for the November 2022 bond measure.  The attached resolution establishes the future of school consolidation including the location and combination of schools. The educational opportunities, counseling, and other support services will all be enhanced as resources are focused on fewer overall facilities.
Due to internet issues at the Amador County Administrative Building, we were not able to livestream this meeting.

Motion made by: James Marzano
Motion seconded by: Shane Crowe
James Marzano – Yes
Julia Burns – No
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Shane Crowe – Yes
Maeve Klement – Yes
Kayla Parker – Yes

August 24, 2022 – School Capacity Update for Consolidation – Discussion Only
(Agenda item & support documents)

School capacity for each of the consolidated schools was presented to the board back in May when consolidation was approved.  After months of working with the District’s architect, CA Design West, modifications have been made to some of the plans presented.  The attached document shows updated capacities for the consolidated schools, along with projected enrollment and construction timelines.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Discussion only – no board action taken.

May 24, 2022 – Additional information about school consolidation is provided to the board by Dr. Gibson, Mr. Critchfield, and Mr. Snider.
(Agenda item & support documents)

On May 11, 2022, the ACUSD Board of Trustees met to formally discuss school consolidation and the possibility of a bond measure for facility needs. This item is an extension from the May 11, 2022 item as all Board members requested staff bring back additional information to support the request to approve the consolidation of schools. The information presented focused on the many academic benefits of consolidation and provided additional information regarding facilities projects.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: James Marzano
Motion Seconded by: Kandi Thompson
Julia Burns – No
James Marzano – Yes
Deborah Pulskamp – Yes
Preston Smith – Yes
Kandi Thompson – Yes
Jim Whitaker – Yes
Ryan Billingsley – No

May 11, 2022 – School Consolidation is presented to the board by Dr. Gibson and Mr. Critchfield
(Agenda item & support documents)

The purpose of this item is to evaluate the immediate and long-term needs of ACUSD so the Board can make an informed decision regarding consolidation and the details of calling for a bond to sustain our facilities.  The board requested staff bring back additional information to support the request to approve school consolidation.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Motion made by: Kandi Thompson
Motion seconded by: James Marzano
Motion failed 2-3 with discussion after.  The Board unanimously agreed to bring back the item for a vote due to the item inadvertently being placed under Discussion Items versus Discussion/Action Items on the agenda.

April 13, 2022 – Superintendent Gibson details the need for consolidation of high schools and junior high schools in her board report. She requests the board schedule a special study session to talk about facilities.
Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

Report only – no board action was taken.

History of Board Actions on Consolidation Prior to 2022
(Agenda items and supporting documents)

Starting in 2013, a committee of 36 education partners met for almost a year to provide feedback on facility needs for ACUSD.  In 2014, a 7-11 committee was formed, and a formal recommendation was made to the Board in 2015.

  • March 6, 2013 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 12.3 Information Only – Guidelines to Select Members for District Study Committee
  • March 14, 2013 (Special Board Meeting – (9:00 am)
    • Item 6.3 Re-Configuration District Study Committee Composition
  • March 27, 2013 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 13.4 ACUSD Re-Configuration District Study Committee Composition
  • February 12, 2014 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 9.4 District Study Committee Update
  • May 14, 2014 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 14.1 Reconfiguration Report- Report and Discussion (Possible Cost Savings Per Opinion and Special Education Needs for Each Option) – Informational and Discussion
  • May 28, 2014 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 14.2 Re-Configuration Report – Report and Discussion on Sports and Activity Participation at the Comprehensive High Schools (Information and Discussion Only)
    • Item 14.3 7-11 Committee Formation to Review Re-Configuration Possibilities
  • April 8, 2015 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 9.2 7-11 Committee Presentation – Re-Configuration Final Report
  • April 22, 2015 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 16. 1 Discussion – 7-11 Committee Final Report
  • November 16, 2016 (Regular Board Meeting)
    • Item 6.5 Resolution Number 2016-2017-011 Resolve to Retain All Comprehensive High Schools and Junior High Schools

Branding Process

Thank you to everyone who participated in our ThoughtExchange survey. We had over 2,200 participants with over 1,700 thoughts submitted and 72,136 ratings logged! The responses we received suggested various names and mascots for the consolidated high school, with many emphasizing the importance of local history and the gold mining industry. While we received many suggestions, the most popular name and mascot suggestion was Amador County High School, home of the Mustangs.

Click here to see the full results of the survey: Please Click Here

At the October 11, 2023 board meeting, the board discussed the ThoughtExchange results, input from the student leadership teams, and rebranding cost estimates. In consideration of feedback from students and staff, the board directed district leadership to create another survey for student and staff participation only. The survey will be carried out in two parts, with the first part taking place on Tuesday, October 31, 2023. The data collected from this survey, as well as feedback taken from student leadership teams at both schools, will be taken to the November 8, 2023 board meeting.

You can watch the recording of the October 11, 2023 board meeting here: Watch the recorded discussion of this item here.

At the November 8, 2023 board meeting, the school board requested that one more survey be sent to our students, staff, and community members. This survey will include the top two name and mascot combinations and the top two color choices. This survey closed on Sunday, November 19, 2023, at noon. Survey results will be shared at the December 13, 2023 board meeting.

Final Results:

At the December 13, 2023 board meeting, the school board approved the name, mascot, and colors for the consolidated high school based on the results of the most recent survey. The results of the survey can be viewed here in the board packet.

Name: Amador County High School
Mascot: Mustangs
Colors: Navy, vegas gold, black, and white (navy and vegas gold are the primary)


Facilities Information and Construction Plans

In May of 2023, the district started an environmental impact study and traffic study following the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). This study, conducted by CEQA consultant PlaceWorks, is a county-wide study to create a complete picture of the environmental and traffic impacts of consolidation. This study is expected to be completed in November of 2023 which will then allow the district to create a plan to mitigate any impacts.

When making the decision to consolidate in May of 2022, the Board of Trustees emphasized the importance of sustaining the six current elementary schools. Jackson, Ione, Sutter Creek, Plymouth, Pine Grove, and Pioneer elementary schools will all remain open with some modifications. Ione Elementary will move locations to the current Ione Jr. High campus while welcoming back 6th-grade students. Jackson Elementary will also welcome back 6th-grade students, which means all elementary schools in the district will educate transitional kindergarten (TK) through 6th grade. In the future, Sutter Creek Primary will move to the Sutter Creek Elementary campus unifying the school to one location.

Site plans:

Site architectural plan for Consolidated High School

Consolidated High School

Consolidated High School Conceptual Plan

Architectural plans for Ione Junior High conversion to Ione Elementary


Ione Junior High Conversion to Ione Elementary

Ione Elementary School Conceptual Plan

Certification of Participation (COP) Information

Measure H did not pass on November 8, 2022. Without access to bond funds, to reconfigure campuses and consolidate student populations at higher grade levels – improving the quality of education provided to all students and resulting in gained efficiencies and corresponding cost savings – the District will need to finance facilities projects to increase classroom capacity at Argonaut High School. The proposed addition of a 10-classroom wing and student support facilities at Argonaut will allow for consolidation of Amador High School, placing all high school students in the County at a single campus. The District can finance $15 million of the facilities project costs utilizing Certificates of Participation (COP). Concurrently, the District will examine all facilities needs qualifying for potential State funding through the School Facilities Program (SFP) and, to the extent any of the components of the planned new classroom wing at Argonaut High School are eligible, the 2023 COP will provide matching funds for such SFP funds, in addition to providing the primary source of project funding. The proposed 2023 COP would provide up to $15 million for projects through an offering of public debt backed by a lease of District property. The proposed lease asset would be Amador High School, although it may be that an alternative site could be required pending title reports. The lease paid by the District would be structured to prepay interest for a period of 18 months, delaying the first ‘out-of-pocket’ payment until after projects have be completed. It is estimated that annual lease repayments of $1,245,000 per year will be required for approximately 18.5 years after prepaid interest is exhausted. Such payments can be made from any legally available resource and are a pledge of the District’s General Fund. The consolidation is projected to generate annual savings of $1,300,000 in 2022-23 dollars, and should grow with annual cost inflation, mitigating the impact of 2023 COP repayments. Additionally, District staff believe the cost of repayment can be accommodated in future budgets. The action to approve the 2023 COP allows for up to $16.75 million in principal amount for the 2023 COP to accommodate a reserve fund, issuance costs and prepaid (or “capitalized”) interest. Depending on market dynamics and the desired redemption provisions for the 2023 COPs, the District may be able to generate additional premiums on the sale of the 2023 COP and reduce the principal amount; however, either way this will ultimately have little impact of the actual repayment requirement amounts. Furthermore, action to approve the issuance of the 2023 COP does not commit the District to an issuance, but does authorize continuation of the issuance process. Resolution – PDF

Notice of Preparation – School Closure/Consolidation Program Project This NOP has been completed. The purpose of this NOP is to serve as a public notice that an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) will be prepared and to advise and solicit comments and suggestions regarding the scope and content of the EIR. Notice of Preparation – PDF (Please Click Here) Questions and comments were emailed to or to the mailing address listed on page 5 of the NOP.  The review period was Wednesday, June 21st through Thursday, July 20th.

Environmental Impact Report (EIR) Information

Draft Environmental Impact Report (DEIR) for School Closure/Consolidation Project

UPDATE: The school board voted to approve a 15-day extension at the January 17th board meeting. The review period will now remain open through February 13, 2024.

Lead Agency: Amador County Unified School District

Project Applicant: Amador County Unified School District

Notice of Preparation Review Period: Friday, December 15, 2023 to Monday, January 29, 2024

Notice is hereby given that the Amador County Unified School District (District or ACUSD), as Lead Agency under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the School Closure/Consolidation Program Project (proposed project) pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21165 and the California Environmental Quality Act Guidelines (CEQA Guidelines). The purpose of this notice is (1) to serve as a NOA of a DEIR pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines Section 15087, (2) to receive comments on content of the DEIR, and (3) to provide notice of a public informational meeting regarding the DEIR.

Public Review Period and Document Availability: The District welcomes input and comments on the DEIR. The DEIR is available for a 45-day public review period beginning December 15, 2023 and ending January 29, 2024. If you are commenting on behalf of an agency or organization, please indicate a contact person for your agency or organization. Copies of the DEIR are available for review at (physical locations during normal business hours):

ACUSD Office
217 Rex Avenue
Jackson, CA 95642

Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21092(b)(1), all documents referenced in the DEIR are available for inspection at the address above as well as linked below.

Public Comments: The District will accept written comments regarding the DEIR and this notice through the close of business on January 29, 2024. Please send your written comments to Jared Critchfield, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services, at ACUSD, 217 Rex Avenue, Jackson, CA 95642; or by e-mail at
Please send your responses and comments with the subject heading “School Closure/Consolidation Program Project” and include the name, phone number, and e-mail address of a contact person in all responses submitted.

More Information: Questions concerning the matter should be directed to Jared Critchfield, Deputy Superintendent, Business Services, at 209-257-5345 or

On May 8, 2024, the Board approved three contracts to advance the environmental studies for the school consolidation project, and these studies are currently underway. Dudek is evaluating the impacts on water and wastewater infrastructure, ECORP Consulting, Inc. is assessing biological and ecological effects, and Kittelson & Associates, Inc. is analyzing traffic flow changes. These studies are being conducted ahead of the publication of the Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in response to public feedback and Board recommendations. We will provide further updates as these studies progress and the EIR development continues.
Click here to see the May 8, 2024 board agenda item for more information.