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Student Data Privacy

Student Data Privacy

California Student Privacy Alliance (CSPA)

The CSPA is a collaboration of California school districts that share common concerns around student privacy. The goal of the CSPA is to set standards of both practice and expectations around student privacy so that all parties involved have a common understanding of expectations.

Amador County Unified School District is a participating member of the CSPA.

This list will continue to grow in the coming days and weeks as additional resource tools are added.

ACUSD Approved Platforms and Apps

Acceptable Use Policy – PDF


Board Policies, Administrative Regulations, and Exhibits 

BP5022 – Student and Family Privacy Rights – PDF

AR5022 – Student and Family Privacy Rights – PDF

BP5125 – Student Records – PDF

AR5125 – Student Records – PDF

BP5125.1 – Release of Directory Information – PDF

AR5125.1 – Release of Directory Information – PDF

E5125.1 – Release of Directory Information – PDF

BP6163.4 – Student Use of Technology – PDF

E6163.4 – Student Use of Technology – PDF