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Strategic Plan

ACUSD/ACOE Strategic Plan for 2023-2028

Our current Strategic Plan is centered around 5 themes:

  • Data-driven staff engagement
  • System of student supports
  • Structures, policies, and procedures
  • Inclusive culture
  • Staff support and development

View the Strategic Plan (PDF)

The ACUSD Strategic Plan Logo - Fun, Courage, Authenticity, Relationships, Integrity

  • Data-Driven Staff Engagement
    Protocols for staff engagement with data collection and analysis to improve student outcomes.
  • System of Student Supports
    Teams define how each tier of our support system ensures that learning is accessible to all students.
  • Structures, Policies, and Procedures
    Develop structures, written policies, and procedures; and, consistently communicate and monitor their use.
  • Inclusive Culture
    Build a culture and belief system where all staff have a responsibility to ensure students have equitable access to all programs.
  • Staff Support & Development
    Develop the capacity of district leaders to create an environment inclusive of ALL staff and identify site/department professional learning needs.

These 5 themes came from the audit that was completed by WestEd in 2021, which was a complete audit of ACUSD and ACOE’s special education programs, staffing, systems, etc. During the 2022-2023 school year, district leadership worked together to identify significant needs across the organization based on feedback given from the WestEd report. These needs were then established and reviewed with a large team of educational partners which included representatives from each employee bargaining unit, all managers across the district (certificated and classified), community members and parents, and school board members. Through review and feedback, the Strategic Plan was completed in June of 2023, with implementation beginning in the 2023-2024 school year.

ACUSD and ACOE are very excited to have this plan serve as a beacon as we move forward in our efforts to provide a safe and effective learning environment for all students.

2023-2028 Strategic Plan – PDF