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Amador State Preschool

Amador State Preschool

Preschool Applications for 2025/2026

Preschool applications for the 2025-2025 school year will open on April 1, 2025, and we will begin enrolling after April 15, 2025.

The preschool office will be open for enrollment information and scheduling appointments:
8:00 am – 2:30 pm

The office is located at:
217 Rex Ave. Office #3
Jackson, CA 95642

Contact Information:

Andrea Rotar
Child Development Technician
Phone number: 209-257-5338

Jeni DeWalt
Director of Child Development
Phone number: 209-257-5338


Amador County State Preschool Program is a State-subsidized half-day program at four sites in the county. Our preschool mission is to provide highly qualified learning experiences to eligible three- and four-year-olds with a core curriculum that is culturally, developmentally, and linguistically appropriate. Breakfast is provided.

We are currently incorporating the STEAM curriculum model (science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics) into our lessons and best preparing our students for a successful kindergarten and elementary school future.

Please carefully review the information below.



Application Information

Age Requirements/enrollment Priorities

Children must be age 3 or 4 on or before December 1.

Children are enrolled in order of specific program admission priorities. These priorities are as follows:

Admission Priorities for 5% of funded enrollment:
5% of CSPP-funded enrollment is reserved for Children with Exceptional Needs. To the extent possible, enroll in income ranking order. If 2 or more families have the same ranking, enroll the family with the earliest application date first. Note: Only a child in a family who has exceptional needs may be enrolled under this eligibility criteria.

Admission Priorities for 95% of funded enrollment:
First: Child is recipient of Child Protective Services or At-Risk of being neglected, abused or exploited.
Second: Once the set-aside is filled, child with exceptional needs from income-eligible family. Prioritize based on income ranking order.
Third: Eligible children not enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten. Prioritize children with the lowest income ranking first.
If 2 or more children are within the same ranking, prioritize dual language learners, then based on the child who has been on the waiting list for the longest time.
Fourth: Family income is not more than 15% above income threshold. Prioritize exceptional needs children, then 4 year olds, then 3 year olds. (limited to 10% of funded enrollment)


Income Requirements

Families who meet the age-eligible requirements also need to meet the income guidelines set by the California Department of Education (CDE).
Income limits are based on monthly gross pay, before taxes or deductions. Please be certain of your monthly income before submitting an application. Family size consists of parents/guardians and all minor children.

Family/Household Size 1-2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12+
Monthly Income Cap $7,759 $8,790 $10,249 $11,889 $13,529 $13,837 $14,144 $14,452 $14,759 $15,067 $15,374
Annual Income $93,110 $105,482 $122,993 $142,672 $162,350 $166,040 $169,730 $173,420 $177,109 $180,799 $184,489


Other Requirements

  • Child must reside in California


Enrollment Requirements

Birth Record

  • Original birth certificate for ALL children under the age of 18.*
    • Birth Certificate or other live birth records 
    • Passport for Services from the county welfare department
    • Adoption documents 
    • Records of Foster Care placement
    • Court orders regarding child custody or guardianship

*Birth certificates for all children in the family are required in order to establish age eligibility and family size.

Immunization Record

  • Updated immunization record for the child you are enrolling
  • Acceptable documents include the yellow immunization card OR a printout from the doctor’s office.
  • Required immunizations:
    • Polio (IPV/OPV) = 3
    • DTP/DTap/DT/Td = 4
    • MMR = 1 (on or after the first birthday)
    • HIB = 1 (on or after the first birthday)
    • Hepatitis B = 3
    • Varicella (Chickenpox) = 1         

Current Physical And Health Forms

  • A physical completed by your child’s doctor must be submitted within 30 days of enrollment.
  • Physical exam must be within the last 365 days of enrollment. 
  • The doctor must note these on the physical form:  allergies, asthma, seizures, medications, and additional forms may be required.
  • Please let us know if your child will require any medication or other specialized health care procedure while at school, as an additional form from the doctor will be required.

Proof Of Residency

  • Provide proof of residence
    • Current utility bill or government form (dated within 30 days of enrollment meeting) with your name and address. 

Proof Of Income

  • Provide 1 month of income within last 60 days for all sources of income coming into the household for all parents/guardians in the home (including tips, cash income, IHSS, financial aid, child support, and assistance from family members).
  • Fluctuating or Inconsistent Income: 
    • Provide income from 12 months immediately preceding certification. 
    • This includes income that varies due to: Migrant, agricultural, or seasonal work; 
    • Inconsistent, and/or unstable employment or self-employment resulting in an inconsistent pattern of income; or 
    • Intermittent, occasional, sporadic, or infrequent earnings or income, including but not limited to bonuses, commissions, lottery winnings, inheritance, back child support payment, overtime, or net proceeds from the sale of real property or stock. 5 CCR 17700(ai)
  • If you receive CalWorks, provide current benefit verification for cash aid, welfare, Section 8, or low-income housing
  • If you are self-employed, drive for Lyft/Uber or if income fluctuates:  Provide 3 months of current income (profit-loss).
  • If self-employed and paid in cash, additional paperwork will be required. 


Apply Here!


Related Information Documents


Preschool Sites

School Location Head Teacher Hours
Ione State Preschool Ione Elementary Shannon Blake 8:15-11:15 AM
Jackson State Preschool Argonaut High School Pam Schaap 8:15-11:15 AM
Pioneer State Preschool Pioneer Elementary Jessica Vaughn 8:00-11:00 AM
Plymouth State Preschool Plymouth Elementary Tamaran Hollingsworth 8:15-11:15 AM