Board Brief - November 13, 2024
Here are a few highlights from the November 13, 2024 board meeting. The full agenda can be viewed here:
ACUSD Board Packet | ACOE Board Packet
The meeting recording can be viewed here.
Recognition of National Native American Heritage Month
The board passed ACUSD Resolution 2024/2025-07, recognizing November as National Native American Heritage Month.
Jackson Junior High Challenge Coins
Principal Sinead Klement presented Challenge Coins to 6 staff members: Sophia Rechel, Vincent Motto, Nick Acevedo, Tracy Fisher, Alex Pattenaude, and Dale Flint.
Technology Challenge Coins
Technology Director Dan Hebert presented a Challenge Coin to Brian Enos, network technician.
From the Agenda:
- The board discussed the introduction of the ethnic studies requirement. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- The board approved the CSEA 239 Successor Contract Agreement.
- The board discussed elementary school boundary adjustments. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- The board approved ACUSD GANN Resolution 2024/2025-8.
- The board held a public hearing to consider an energy efficiency contract.
- The board discussed an energy services agreement with SYSERCO Energy Solutions. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- The board viewed and discussed a presentation on the Food Services spending plan budget agreement. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- The board approved the new high school course request. The new course is HLTN 1 Introduction to Public Health Science (Dual Enrollment).
- The board approved the job share contract for the 2024-2025 school year.
- The board approved the notice of intent to employ a teacher on a provisional internship permit.
- Information-only items (no board action taken):
- Mr. Norton, Interim Assistant Superintendent Of Business Services, discussed the 2024-2025 Education Protection Account Spending Determination. This item was brought forward to make the items publicly available prior to the public hearing on December 18, 2024.
- Mr. Norton also discussed the 2024-2025 Developer Fee Resolution, 2023-2024 Developer Fee Report, and 2019-2020 to 2023-2024 5-Year Developer Fee Report. This item was brought forward to make the items publicly available prior to the public hearing on December 18, 2024.
- The board approved ACOE GANN Resolution 2024/2025-05.
- Information-only items (no board action taken):
- Dr. Palazuelos, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, presented the current personnel recommendations.
- Mr. Norton presented the CSEA 827 Updated Salary Schedule.
- Dr. Palazuelos presented the CSEA 827 Successor Contract Agreement.
- Mr. Norton presented the 2024-2025 Education Protection Account - Spending Determination.
The next meeting will be held on December 18, scheduled to be held at the Amador County Administration Building, 810 Court St., Jackson, CA. The SELPA Board Meeting will begin at 5:00 pm. Board agendas and minutes can be viewed here.
ACUSD/ACOE BOARD BRIEFS are distributed to the community and staff of Amador County School District/Amador County Office of Education to highlight actions taken at board meetings. They are not intended to take the place of the meeting minutes. Citizens are encouraged to attend meetings.