Board Brief - February 19, 2025
Here are a few highlights from the February 19, 2025 board meeting. The full agenda can be viewed here:
ACUSD Board Packet | ACOE Board Packet
The meeting recording can be viewed here.
Jackson Elementary Challenge Coins
Principal Katrina Ramos recognized six superstar staff members: Jana Whitlock, Nikki Silveira-Bergen, Kelly Ward, George Peck, Neika Estey, and Yoshie DuBois.
Community Service Hours Recognitions
Students who completed a minimum of 135 hours of community service were recognized in front of the board with certificates of recognition and a Block A letter for their letterman jackets. Students who completed a minimum of 270 hours also received a Service Pin. Thirteen students completed over 135 hours, and nine students completed over 270 hours.
From the Agenda
- The board approved Resolution No. ACUSD 2024/2025-12 - Intention to Terminate Certificated Employees due to a Reduction of Particular Kinds of Services.
- The board approved Resolution No. ACUSD 2024/2025-13 - Determination of Tie-Breaking Criteria
- The board approved Resolution No. ACUSD 2024/2025-14 - Reduction of Classified School Services for the 2025-2026 School Year
- The board approved the Extended School Year (ESY) waiver for both ACUSD and ACOE.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 5, scheduled to be held at the Amador County Administration Building, 810 Court St., Jackson, CA. The ACUSD Board Meeting Open Session will begin at 6:30 pm. Board agendas and minutes can be viewed here.
ACUSD/ACOE BOARD BRIEFS are distributed to the community and staff of Amador County School District/Amador County Office of Education to highlight actions taken at board meetings. They are not intended to take the place of the meeting minutes. Citizens are encouraged to attend meetings.