Board Brief - March 5, 2025
Here are a few highlights from the March 5, 2025 board meeting.
The full agendas can be viewed here:
The meeting recording can be viewed here.
Early Childhood Development Challenge Coins
Jeni DeWalt, State Preschool Director, awarded Challenge Coins to Jamie Guthrie and Pam Schaap. Brianna Cadotte, Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Supervisor, awarded Challenge Coins to Laura Carl and Denise Fraboni.
Educational Options Challenge Coins
Matt Medellin, principal of County Community, Independence High, and North Star Independent Study schools, awarded Challenge Coins to Sarah Swift and Angella Cowan.
Adult Education Challenge Coins
Diana Griffin, principal of Adult Education, awarded Challenge Coins to Melissa Case, Chris Garbarini, and Lori Martinez.
Music in Our Schools Month Presentation
Music in Our Schools Month (MIOSM) is celebrated every March to recognize the importance of music education in schools. Band teacher Sophia Rechel spoke to the board about the importance of music and band in our county, and members of the combined Argonaut and Amador band played a short performance.
From the Agenda
- Dr. Hedegard, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, presented a progress update on the Compliance and Improvement Monitoring (CIM) Process. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- Dr. Hedegard provided a staffing update for both ACUSD and ACOE. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- Dr. Hedegard provided an update on the SELPA Local Plan and gave information regarding the purpose of the local plan and a timeline for submissions to the Department of Education. This item was discussion-only, so no board action was taken.
- The board approved the new course proposal: Alternative Pathway to a Diploma.
- The board approved the E-Rate quotes for the 2025-2026 school year.
- The board approved the ACUSD 2024-2025 Second Interim Budget Revisions.
- The board approved the ACUSD 2024-2025 Second Interim Budget Certification.
- The board approved the ACOE 2024-2025 Second Interim Budget Revisions.
- The board approved the ACOE 2024-2025 Second Interim Budget Certification.
- The board approved the Notice of Intent to Employ Teacher on a Provisional Internship Permit.
The next meeting will be held on March 26, 2025, scheduled to be held at the Amador County Administration Building, 810 Court St., Jackson, CA. The ACUSD Board Meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. Board agendas and minutes can be viewed here.
ACUSD/ACOE BOARD BRIEFS are distributed to the community and staff of Amador County School District/Amador County Office of Education to highlight actions taken at board meetings. They are not intended to take the place of the meeting minutes. Citizens are encouraged to attend meetings.